Kateryna Kopanieva
A Ukrainian journalist with 15 years of experience. She worked as a special correspondent for the national Ukrainian newspaper «Facts», covering emergencies, high-profile court cases and writing about prominent people, as well as the lives and education of Ukrainians abroad. She has also collaborated with a number of international media outlets.
Tetyana Bondarenko is an actress. Before the full-scale invasion, she played at the Kyiv theatre on Mykhailivska St., acted in episodical roles in movies, translated English content for Ukrainian TV channels, worked as a lab assistant in the scientific research laboratory at the Borys Grinchenko University. On February 24 2022, her life, like the lives of millions of Ukrainians, changed completely. During that time, when many were already leaving Kyiv, Tetyana came into the recruiting office with a strong intention of joining the Territorial Defence. She has been fighting since Autumn 2022. At first as a shooter in the infantry, now - as a drone operator. Tetyana with the codename «Bond» told Sestry about her life at war, her motivation and battling sexism on the frontlines.
Making the recruitment office listen
- The plan to join the Armed Forces of Ukraine actually formed even before the full-scale war, - Tetyana says. - In 2014, when the fighting in Donbas broke out, I came to the «Kozatsky» hotel on Khreshchatyk St., where volunteers were being recruited, and said that I wanted to join one of the battalions. The recruiter looked at me with apparent scepticism: «And who are you? A medic? Cook?» «An actress» - I replied.
I think he threw away my application the moment I left the hotel. Since that day, I was often haunted by thoughts that I was doing nothing while someone else was protecting the country. And at the beginning of 2022, I had no doubt about the imminence of a full-scale invasion and decided to apply to the Territorial Defence in January. I considered it to be a good way to, firstly, prepare myself for the war, and secondly, learn to handle weapons, which would be useful in my career as an actress (I have always wanted to play strong and belligerent women).
The full-scale war began when I already collected all the necessary documents for the Territorial Defence - the only thing left was for me to write a short autobiography. Having heard the first explosions outside my window, I began writing it at once - and at 9 AM I was on the spot with all the required papers.
Women do not belong here
- People often ask me when I was really scared during the war. And so I think that it would be the moment I was first given a weapon, having no idea how to use it. I was horrified of doing something wrong… Our first target practice took place on March 8th. It is an important date for me as a feminist - a day of women’s struggle for their rights. Being at a training ground that day with a weapon in hand, I felt that I was doing what I had to.
- When in particular did you end up on the frontlines?
- This did not happen immediately. At first, I was stationed at a checkpoint near Kyiv. We spent the whole Spring learning combat tactics, explosives and more. Before long we went to the combat zone but stayed in reserve for a while, 3-4 kilometres away from the battles. Our company was sent to the frontlines specifically at the end of October 2022. Then a situation happened that became a great disappointment to me.
There were only two women in my company: me and a combat medic. And we were the only ones to not be sent «to die» until the last minute. The commander of the unit we were in proclaimed stubbornly: «We do not take women to the frontlines!». While half of the men in our company were laid off at the trench digging stage in reserve: there were many people 40+ years of age in the Territorial Defence, and some strained their backs, for some problems with the joints or blood pressure «appeared». As a result, only 35 people went to the line which was supposed to be «held» by 70 people. The female medic and I, who were prepared and motivated, were not engaged because of the fact that we were women.
Our unit’s leader tried to convince the commander of the air assault company that I and my comrade could fight but he said: «Alright, you can take them with you. But if they are going to start crying the next day, you are going to be at fault»
But they did not take us anyway. When wrote a report to the commander, he sent my comrade to a field hospital and me to a different company, whose positions were easier. He said I have to stay there for a while at first, and then if I manage it, I could come back to my company. Unfortunately, my company did not stick around for me to come - the enemy literally destroyed it, only three people were unharmed. The rest - all «WIA» and two «KIA». Then, I told my mother that it would not be an enemy’s bullet that would kill me in this war but instead sexism that becomes absurd, and stupidity shown by my own people.
By gender
- What do you think is the reason for sexism?
- This is, unfortunately, our culture. 90 per cent of people in the army are yesterday’s civilians. This is a kind of section, a mirror of society, in which 70 per cent of men single-mindedly refuse to see an equal in a female. They think in stereotypes indoctrinated since their childhood, like: «The man is a defender, the woman is a caretaker». I think if they admit that women are strong, smart and can perform the same tasks as them, their worldview would crumble. If women are decent soldiers, it turns out that men are not exclusive in their heroism.
- What methods are effective in fighting sexism?
- I often see how some girls try to be kind and gentle in hopes that it would help establish good relationships with their comrades. Thinking that if they act like a girl, they would soon start acting like gentlemen. I have not seen this strategy work even once.
Personally, I have a strong reaction towards any signs of sexism. I am not afraid of being hated. At least I will be heard. And by the way, I am on good terms with most of my comrades. Thankfully, there are some reasonable people.
Sexism presents itself in many forms, most of the time in offensive comments or jokes toward women. And, in my opinion, men often underestimate women’s role in civil life during the war, when it is the women especially on whom the responsibility to care for the children and the elderly lies - and there are no medals, awards or prizes for this.
I even conducted a survey among my comrades - what would they choose: staying home alone with children like their wives or going to war. The overwhelming majority chose the second option.
One time, the wife of one of my comrades thanked me - she said that after speaking with me, her husband became more considerate of her «invisible» home duty
As for fighting sexism coming from the management, you can, for example, report it, which is what I do. But this might not always be effective, as orders like «We do not take women to the frontlines» are not documented on paper. They are given in verbally, and proving that the reason for you not being accepted somewhere was particularly sexism is difficult.
I am not an infantry soldier anymore, I am a drone operator - there is much less sexism in this area. Here I am allowed to participate in any operations with no questions, but I do know a girl, for instance, who was not allowed to take part in combat missions just this Winter. A lot depends on which management you will end up under. Which is truly absurd, since the army has a catastrophic lack of people.
But commanders continue dividing people by gender. For me, it is the same as segregating people by, for example, eye colour: «We do not send blue-eyed people to the frontlines because they are tender». I can not think of a single war task that a woman could not handle.
A machine gun is a quite heavy weapon but we all know successful female machine gunners. My comrade, a combat medic, received her call sign «The Ant» for carrying the injured twice her size out of the battlefield. The difference between a man and a woman is only that a woman does not have the right to make a mistake. If a man makes a mistake - it is normal, happens to everyone. But when a woman does it, she will immediately hear that her place is not in the war.
What women want
- The girls on the frontlines point out issues with female military uniform…
- In my battalion female uniform is unheard of. My physique is more or less boy-like, with small breasts, which allows me to wear a male uniform, tunics and T-shirts. There was a girl with a curvy shape in our unit, to whom the men’s body armour became a real problem. And even then, she was told she just did not know how to wear it.
The reality is that girls are forced to buy female uniforms themselves. The underwear provided is also only men’s. AFU’s pants are not suited for women’s thighs, they are uncomfortable in combat. That is why I bought a «British» uniform back in 2022 - the pants are much wider there, and I also purchased a women’s plate carrier and plates myself.
- Women’s everyday life is also connected with other difficulties - for example, painful periods. How do you manage this problem?
- In this matter, I got lucky once again because everything goes on relatively painless. I know girls who experience this much harder but they perform their duties and do not complain. And personal hygiene items can be changed even in blindages and on the frontline - it is enough to ask your male comrades to turn away. When the situation is that people can not leave the trenches for multiple days, they are even forced to relieve themselves into jars or bags, and this concerns both men and women.
It is not the time to die
- You literally burst into the fight, to the frontline. Are you not afraid?
- Obviously, there is a fear. I strive for combat but it does not mean I will be running under enemy fire and putting myself in danger on purpose. Last year, I was on the very combat line, when the enemy was 200 metres away from us and bullets really were flying over my head day and night. You sit in a blindage, look deep into the darkness and realise that an enemy grenade could land before you even see the enemy. In these moments you act on adrenaline - and this adrenaline does not let go of you for some more time after arriving at a relatively safe place.
You are exhausted and exhilarated at the same time because you realise: you went through hell and lived. There are moments when it really is a miracle you survived. I recall a situation when the enemy was shelling us with artillery, and our observation posts were in a ravine on the slope of one of the hills. We were hiding there in dugouts, dug by the Russians (it was impossible to dig new ones due to the constant presence of enemy drones).
At that time, I had a small individual dugout. The likelihood of a direct hit on our dugouts was low - it was quite difficult to hit them. And then I had a conflict with the company commander, and he sent me «into exile» to a control observation post (COP) - a place between the frontline and the permanent deployment point. Another soldier replaced me at my position. So, I was sitting at the COP and heard on the radio that a tank was shelling our positions. The next message was that there was one «KIA». It turned out that a hit landed near my dugout, a fragment pierced the roof, and the comrade who was in my dugout died on the spot...
- What helps you cope?
- Talking to my mom and friends. It is important to have people you can share your feelings with. Cigars also help to relieve acute stress. Not cigarettes, but cigars specifically; I learned to smoke cigars while in the Territorial Defense. This year, I sought help from a psychologist and I already feel a positive effect. Motivation also helps me to hold on.
- How can you outline it?
- When the full-scale invasion happened, I felt like I had been slapped. My country, my Kyiv, was hit so brazenly and deceitfully. I wanted to retaliate once and for all against the one who dared to do this. That is exactly what I am doing now.
Despite all the difficulties I face, I will defend this country because it is mine. While at war, I discovered Ukraine’s East for myself - unbelievably beautiful and now dear places to me.
As a feminist, I am used to standing up for my boundaries, defending my rights. The same is true here - I am defending my right to be myself in my country, defending its and my own independence.
And even if something were to happen to me, I would be peaceful, as I was fighting for a noble cause.
Photos from the heroine’s private archive
«At war, I have the best role. But unlike my previous roles, I'm not playing this one on stage but living it in reality. Despite the hardships and injustice I often face, I remain on the frontline as I have to. It's hard to describe my feelings when they throw things at me like: «No women on the frontlines!», while guys from my company are dying due to a lack of people. But I still fight - for the country and my right to defend it»
«I have never even considered leaving my country. To reside temporarily in another region? It has already happened to me once, and I have had enough. I understood that the only way out was to go and get rid of the occupants of my land. I had waited 8 years for the opportunity to get back at them».
This is how 32-year-old Olga Bigar describes her feelings in the first days of the full-scale Russian invasion when she and her two younger brothers went to the recruitment office. Olga is an artillerist, officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, deputy battalion commander and head of a joint fire support group. Call sign - «The Witch» because, as Olga says herself, she can «set the sky on fire».
How to set the sky on fire
- You once said that the beginning of the full-scale war with Russia was a relief for you in a certain way. What did you mean by that?
- I understood the imminence of this war. And the anticipation of death, as it is well known, is worse than death itself. When it all began, it was a kind of relief because this time Russia invaded openly, and we were able to respond properly. Until February 2022 Russian troops that occupied the territories in Donbas did not wear chevrons - formally, «they were not there». In the eyes of the international community, this was rather an inner conflict, and we could not retaliate properly.
I saw with my own eyes everything that happened in Donbas in 2014, as I am from Kramatorsk myself. I participated in resisting the occupants. I brought my close ones to Kyiv and enrolled in a law faculty because I realised one has to know how to defend one’s rights. I already had a degree in neurobiology at that moment. Studying for my second degree, I worked in law firms and then opened my own company. In 2016 I also gave birth to my son.
I enjoyed my job but knew well that I would enlist when the great war began.
- Did your mother and brothers enlist as well?
- On February 25th, our whole family went to the recruitment office. Now we serve in various units of the Defence Forces: One brother - a combat medic, another - a scout. Our mother also serves in the AFU (Armed Forces of Ukraine)
As for me, I did not choose the branch of the military - most of the enlisted people ended up in Territorial Defence at the beginning of the great war. I became deputy commander of an infantry company. Later I was in charge of a platoon, and after the Kyiv campaign, we had our first serious military operation on the outskirts of Bakhmu.
I learned a lot - both in theory and in practice. I became a mortarwoman. Four mortar operators were assigned to my platoon, and I saw how a well-constructed fire control system could change the situation on the battlefield. That is why I put my efforts into fire support. Some people might find it hard but for me, it was simultaneously easy and interesting.
- Do artillerists work with numbers and calculations?
- Knowledge in mathematics (thanks biological faculty), topography and topogeodezie are required. There is no higher maths here but there is trigonometry: you calculate the ballistics and distances.
These are the same sines, cosines and cotangents you learn at school and think you will never need in real life. But this knowledge is vital to an artillerist
A shell bursts - and you need to adjust this shell, calculate the angle by which it deviated, measure it down to a thousandth, transfer it to the map, and determine how to adjust the firing settings. We already have unique automated systems but we still perform the initial calculations ourselves. We adjust not just one fire asset, but several simultaneously.
One time, I had ten firing positions simultaneously. An enemy assault is underway. I plan the fire, adjust it, distribute targets, give commands to fire, record the hit emplacements and keep all the statistics. The drone footage often leaves much to be desired, but you have to determine the coordinates of the explosion, remember who fired, quickly provide corrections, and promptly record all this in the log. In front of me are several monitors, a radio, a headset - and I simultaneously perform calculations, write down coordinates, and respond on the radio…
Skills are honed gradually. Initially, I had three mortars, then six, and then we got cannons. Since we don't have weekends or holidays, the process of learning and working is virtually continuous. My resting time is spent going to check the positions. To fire the mortars myself, check the condition of the weapons and arrange the dugouts. This is also part of my duties.
- Mortars are very heavy. Do you often lift them yourself?
- Of course. But you have to understand that I do not move the mortars on my own. It is usually transported to places within driving distance and then pulled by quadricycles or my comrades and I pull it with belts.
There are many nuances to this work but I manage. In the Autumn of 2023, I temporarily became the acting fire support officer, and in December, I became the deputy battalion commander for artillery.
- You mentioned that sometimes a mortar operator has to perform precision work to avoid hitting their own troops. What situations are you referring to?
- The war has changed now: it is no longer manoeuvrable but positional. We are in defence, and the distance between our trenches and that of the enemy can measure up to 25 meters. According to doctrine, artillery is prohibited from working with large calibres at distances of less than 400 meters. But if the enemy takes a position as close as possible to ours, I take responsibility for measures to cover our infantry, and then we work like surgeons. We calculate 10,000 times, make a few precise shots, and keep the position under our control. The battle may seem chaotic from the outside, but in reality, it is a complex and carefully planned process.
- What is the most difficult for you in the war?
- When there is no communication with the position, and you realise you might lose people. As a commander, you understand that if this has happened, it means the work was done incorrectly, and it is your mistake. And even if it's not your fault, it's still hard to tell yourself that it's normal to lose personnel.
The hardest part is when it concerns guys aged 20-25 - they remind me of my younger brothers. Recently, one of our best grenade launcher commanders came under fire, and I reacted too emotionally; my hands were trembling. My subordinates should not see me in this state.
A lot depends on the mood and behaviour of the commander, especially if it is the first battle for some of the subordinates.
About 70 per cent of people experience stress from the first battle similarly: they seem to withdraw into a shell. They are unable to process information or follow orders. Instinct tells them to run - it doesn't matter where.
In such a situation, a calm commander who smiles, reassures and even jokes can play a crucial role. Say there is a soldier at my position, and we are adjusting the mortar. Then the shelling starts. I understand that if the first shell fell a hundred meters from us, the second will also miss. But the third one might hit. So we have three minutes to retreat to the positions.
I tell the soldier to take down the tube, but he can't do it - his hands are shaking, he's panicking. I calmly sit on the ground, showing by my demeanour that nothing extraordinary is happening, and begin to calm him down. Even if the enemy hits our position or the roof is on fire, we don't panic: we put on masks, cover our faces with wet cloth and wait for the shelling to end so we can calmly exit.
- Do you get scared at all?
- Yes. I remember when one position reported that three enemy GEDs (guided aerial bombs. - Author) were headed towards another position, everything inside me froze, and I caught my breath... I quickly mobilised the evacuation teams and told them to take crowbars and pickaxes with them. So that if someone got buried, we could dig them out.
«Attitude towards women in the army has changed»
- Have you, as a female commander, ever faced prejudice or sexism?
- Until 2016 there have not been any military jobs for women in the Ukrainian army. Since the beginning of the full-scale war, there has been a large number of young NATO-oriented commanders, and the attitude towards women in the army has changed.
But, undoubtedly, sometimes I do hear things like: «Female commander? Well, well». However, I do not take it personally. Not all people are educated and have good manners. And if you are too sensitive and can not turn the situation into a joke, it means the army is not for you.
- There is a video on social networks where you can be seen polishing your nails under a gel light in the middle of a war zone.
- Actually, I hate doing this. But it's necessary. A manicure in wartime is not a matter of beauty, but first and foremost, convenience. Gel polish better protects the nail plate from the cold and injuries, from aggressive substances you use to clean weapons. On adrenaline, you might not even notice getting injured. You might hit your hand, fall, sorry for the details, on a corpse. Then you scrape yourself out of there, your hands are in the dirt, and there's nowhere to wash them... When nails are protected by gel polish, the likelihood that the skin underneath will survive is higher.
Long nails perform many practical functions. For example, it is easy to cut open a gunpowder package using them. Recently, I used a long nail to remove a splinter from my leg... And nail polish and gel lamps are also necessary for sealing plastic or soldering some parts.
- You are saying adrenaline blocks off the feeling of pain. How does it happen?
- Your heart rate increases on adrenaline, and it feels like you can do anything. The state itself is cool, euphoric. But eventually, what we call the comedown sets in.
The last time I came under «Grad» rocket fire in Chasiv Yar, I was able to run 10 kilometres afterwards on adrenaline. However, after that, I completely crashed - I slept for three hours and did not hear the enemy hitting us with GEDs. This is the comedown - the body takes its toll.
After this, for about two weeks, you are in a terrible mood, you can not eat or sleep, you feel nauseous and have headaches. In such moments, staying at the company's location and loading yourself with routine work is better. And if you are given time off, go to your family later - when you have recovered psychologically.
- You have a seven-year-old son. You said you sometimes feel the need to distance yourself from your close ones, even your child. What does it mean?
- It may sound wild, but I realise that I could die. My life is currently dedicated to the state, not my family. And my efforts are aimed at making my son as independent as possible. So that if something happens to me, he can cope relatively well.
Another point is that it is not always right to share your mood and state with a child who is still psychologically immature. Before going to see my son, I try to clear as much military-related stuff from my mind as possible.
- Since the beginning of the full-scale war, you have placed the interests of the state above your own. Why? What does Ukraine mean to you?
- For me, Ukraine is not just certain boundaries on topographic and geographic maps. It is a cultural code. It is traditions, language and inventions. We have much to be proud of.
At the same time, when Ukrainians go to Poland, Germany or the UK, they are pleasantly surprised by the perfect roads and quality of life. When we go to NATO bases for training, we are impressed by how all their processes are organised. So, I am fighting for us to be able to build the same comfort, peace, and democracy in our own country.
But first, we need to defeat the enemy. We will only be able to live and develop normally if we separate ourselves from Russia and Belarus with barbed wire and a 10-kilometre mined zone. We need to drive the occupiers from our land. And my comrades and I are actively working on this.
Photos from Olga Bigar’s private archive
«Even if the enemy has hit our position or the roof is on fire, we do not panic: we put on our masks, cover our faces with wet cloth and wait for the shelling to end so we can calmly exit»
This conversation between a Russian occupier and his wife was intercepted by Ukrainian intelligence on May 7th 2022. A fragment of the dialogue became part of the film by Ukrainian director Oksana Karpovych titled Intercepted (or in the Ukrainian version «Мирні люди» (Peaceful people)), which premiered at the Berlinale in late February. The film received a special mention from the ecumenical jury in the Forum section, a commendation from Amnesty International’s jury, and was one of the most discussed films at the festival. The film also won top awards at WATCH DOCS 2024 and international film festivals in Krakow and Hong Kong.
European viewers were shocked by the conversations of Russian soldiers describing to their wives and mothers how they enjoyed torturing and shooting people. Equally striking was the reaction of the women, who, in a mundane tone, asked for details and even endorsed the horrific crimes - some even urged their husbands to rape Ukrainian women and speculated on how they themselves would torture Ukrainian children. Against the backdrop of these recordings, the destruction and chaos left by the Russians in Ukraine are shown. Director Oksana Karpovych describes the film as a «collocation of two realities»: the reality of Ukrainians experiencing the war and the reality of Russians waging it.
Excerpts of intercepted conversations were published throughout 2022 on the official websites of the SBU and GUR of Ukraine. Ukrainian journalist and activist Yulia Nikitina, who collaborated with director Oksana Karpovych during the film’s creation, personally collected, transcribed, and systematised over 500 such recordings. They became part of an online «Citizen's Encyclopaedia» created by Yulia.
- Transcribing the interceptions was not easy for me: after hearing what I did, it took me a long time to recover, - Yulia Nikitina tells Sestry. - I understand the shock of European viewers - the scenes in the film must have completely shifted gears in their perception of what is happening.
Many people in Europe are convinced that Putin alone is responsible for the war. And then they hear Russian soldiers talking about how they enjoy killing civilians. Meanwhile, the mothers and wives of these soldiers endorse their actions and ask them to bring back items from the Ukrainians they have killed.
I would like foreign journalists to use the materials from the encyclopaedia as often as possible, as it contains all the intercepted conversations from 2022 - these are pieces of evidence that will help many people in other countries open their eyes to what is happening in Russia. When Oksana Karpovych contacted me while working on the film, I sped up the transcriptions to assist her.
«I would cut off these children's ears every day, one by one, a finger at a time»...
The most horrifying recordings (some of which were included in the film) are gathered in the section «Executioners of Ukraine». Many of these Russians were identified by Ukrainian special services, so their surnames and even photographs are included in the encyclopaedia.
For example, there is a woman who, in one recording, tells her husband that she would personally torture children. She worked in a children's hospital (!), where small Ukrainian children abducted by the Russians were brought.
Russians Julia and Volodymyr Kopytov are featured in the intercepted recording published on May 11th 2022, where Julia tells her husband:
«You know, these children are telling our children that May 9th «is not our holiday». These children, our children at school, are saying it. And you know, they will grow up, and it will continue like that... Why does Putin say, «All of you, go to Russia?» These idiots... They should have been killed right there and then».
- You are so kind.
- I would have injected them with drugs, looked them in the eyes and said: «Die». I would have cut off their genitals, carved stars into their backs, and cut off an ear every day, a finger too, just to make it painful for them.
- But they are children, Julia.
- I simply hate these Ukrainians, Volodya, now I hate them even more. I would have shot even those children».
- The reactions of women are, in many cases, even more horrifying than what their husbands describe, - notes Yulia Nikitina. - A husband says he killed a woman in front of her children, and the wife approves. Another occupier's wife herself urges her husband to rape Ukrainian women: «Go on, rape those Ukrainian women, I allow it» (this conversation between Russian soldier Roman Bykovskyi and his wife Olga was intercepted on April 12th 2022. - Author). The willingness to normalise any atrocity, as long as you are on the same side as those committing it, is striking.
Another topic is the mothers of Russian soldiers. Devout women, who talk about attending church, urge their sons «to kill more Ukrainians». Other mothers are completely indifferent. In one recording, an occupier complains to his mother about the frontline situation - telling her that commanders are sending soldiers «to the slaughter», that soldiers try to escape at the first opportunity. To which the mother tells him to stay until the end, convincing him that he is «atoning for his past life, in which he betrayed the homeland». It does not seem to bother her that her son might die.
«You can make 21 roses on a man's body»
The main figures in the intercepted conversation from May 3rd 2022 are Russian soldier Konstantin Solovyov and his mother Tatyana from Kaliningrad Oblast. Konstantin, serving in the 11th Army Corps of the Baltic Fleet and stationed in Kharkiv Oblast, tells his mother:
«In front of my eyes, basically (and I participated in it too), prisoners were tortured. By the FSB officers. Do you know what a «rose» is? You can make 21 roses on a man's body. Twenty fingers and, pardon me, the genitalia. Have you seen how a rose unfolds and opens? The same way, the skin is peeled off along the bones with flesh, and then all the fingers... The same is done there... Or another torture method, I forgot its name - they insert a pipe into the anus and push barbed wire into it... This barbed wire method is said to be from Chechnya... I do not feel even a bit of pity... I enjoy it so much».
The mother of the torturer, who at the beginning of the conversation talks about visiting churches and praying for her son, calmly listens and says: «I always told you that I still restrain myself. If I were there, I would enjoy it too. We are the same, you and I».
- It is worth noting that sometimes (very rarely) there were sane people on the recordings who were shocked by what was happening, - says Yulia Nikitina. - In the encyclopaedia, I called this section «Glimpses of Conscience». It is the shortest section - because, unfortunately, there are few glimpses.
For example, there is a conversation between a Russian soldier and a woman, either his former classmate or childhood friend. He calls her from the frontline and tells her what he is doing in Ukraine. The woman, horrified, asks: «You are doing what?!» She asks him never to call her again. To which the occupier promises to «return and straighten her out».
European viewers have reportedly questioned the authenticity of the recordings.
As someone who personally transcribed these conversations, I can say with absolute certainty that they are genuine. There are things that simply cannot be acted - such as accents and regional dialects
For instance, the language used by representatives of the so-called «L/DPR» is unmistakable due to their characteristic «ponyal» at the end of every sentence. Occupiers from the Far East have very distinctive accents. Depending on the date and region where the Russians were located, the recordings reveal how their mood shifted - from euphoria in the Kyiv region, when they looted wealthy homes, to panic during the liberation of Kharkiv and Kherson regions by Ukrainian Armed Forces. In these later recordings, the occupiers complain to their relatives about sleeping in puddles, being sent to their deaths by commanders, and the state failing to pay the promised money.
«Imagine how they lived? And how we live, damn it»...
Intercepted on March 30th 2022. Kyiv region. Russian soldier Andrey calls his wife to tell her he has «stolen some cosmetics» and «women's trainers, branded, size 38…».
His wife is delighted: «All for the house, all for the family… It will be a souvenir from Ukraine, totally fine. What Russian does not nick something, right!». She plans to give the trainers to their daughter and justifies the looting: «They will be for Sofia! I am sure all the guys have taken stuff, not just you!»
The man worries that he does not have a bag, which prevents him from stealing a laptop as well. His wife insists: «Sofia needs a laptop for her studies too, damn it». The man reports that the family he is robbing is «sporty», so he «took vitamins, sports vests and shorts».
«Take everything, Andrey. Whatever you can - take it. Imagine how they lived? And how we live, damn it…»
- It was important for me to document every recording - with the date of interception and the occupiers’ locations, - says Yulia Nikitina. - The purpose of the encyclopaedia is to collect only reliable and verified data. I created it even before the full-scale invasion, and initially, it was a reference guide about Kyiv, including dossiers on Kyiv City Council deputies, details about green space disputes and other issues. When the full-scale war began, I decided to document the interceptions. In the media, such information quickly gets lost in the news feed. But in the reference guide, it is always easy to find. Soon, I plan to start transcribing interceptions from 2023.
Reflecting on the causes of the Russians’ cruelty (both soldiers and their families), Yulia Nikitina says:
- I believe it is the result of the degradation of several generations.
I think the mothers of the occupiers are the key to understanding this phenomenon
Most of them are apathetic, speak slowly, and whatever their sons tell them - whether it is about torturing someone or their imminent death - the mothers seem unbothered. It is as if they were asleep.
It is evident that such a mother raised her child in this state - without trying to teach or protect them. All her life, this woman believes she is a small person, with no agency. She does not want to change anything and sees no point in doing so - willing to blindly accept anything. If the television says the «special operation» is justified, she agrees.
Inhuman actions by humans
Director Oksana Karpovych revealed at the Berlin Film Festival that she lived in Canada for nine years but returned to Ukraine three weeks before the full-scale invasion, witnessing events in Kyiv firsthand. The idea for the film emerged after she listened to the first excerpts of intercepted conversations published by Ukrainian intelligence.
The director shared that during the film’s production, she wanted access to even more intercepted recordings that had not been published. However, they remain classified by the Security Service of Ukraine.
«The cognitive dissonance arises from the fact that Russian occupiers are human, but their actions are inhumane, - Karpovych quotes the German publication Arsenal. - To show this inhumanity, I had to show humanity. This principle guided my choice of interceptions. I searched for conversations about everyday life that portrayed Russian soldiers as ordinary people, relatable to anyone anywhere in the world. This helps illustrate the stages of degradation through which Russians have passed».
The degradation of Russian society, according to Oksana Karpovych, is the result of a long-term strategy by the Russian government.
Psychologists also attribute the atrocities committed by Russians to propaganda.
- What we hear on intercepted recordings is undoubtedly the result of propaganda: for the last several decades, Russians have been told via television screens that threats stem from Western countries (and later from Ukraine), - explains forensic psychology expert Yuriy Irkhin of the Kyiv Research Institute of Forensic Examinations. - Simultaneously, the cult of victory over Nazism (which has transformed into a true obsession) and the cult of war - the readiness to fight against a mythical threat «to avoid war» - were being propagated. For this idea, Russian women are willing to sacrifice even their husbands and sons. In some recordings, they explicitly say: «Die, but save us from this Nazism».
However, I would not describe Russians purely as victims of propaganda. Those who wish to think and analyse do so. When you enter a restaurant, you can choose your dish or eat whatever is served, regardless of its quality. The same applies to information - people always have a choice about what they consume. Unfortunately, most Russians prefer to consume what is given to them - it is easier that way. And we see how this leads to moral degradation and moral deformity.
For a mentally healthy person, it is inconceivable how individuals can be so cruel. This is why people in European countries question whether the intercepted recordings are genuine, as what they hear defies common sense.
As a forensic psychology expert, I have listened to numerous intercepted recordings of occupiers’ conversations, and even investigators have asked me whether there is any hidden meaning in the occupiers’ words. But no, the meanings are quite straightforward. They mean exactly what they say. Most of these conversations are very primitive. There are recordings where women, listening to their husbands describe torture, clearly experience real ecstasy.
This is a specific type of person inclined towards violence. This is why the husbands of these women joined the so-called «special operation». I work with Russian prisoners of war and can say that many among them share this disposition. They joined this war to fulfil their animalistic instinct, their desire to dominate and rape. Such beasts are primarily sent to the frontlines in the Russian army, where they are instructed: «Kill all Ukrainians without exception. Destroy everything. We are building a new world here». And they destroy. The wives and mothers of these beasts are mostly the same.
Certainly, there are exceptions.
From my experience, out of every 60 occupiers, there are approximately two soldiers who did not want to kill and even tried to stop others. But two out of sixty is extremely few
Besides the true beasts, there are many who joined the «special operation» with the aim of getting rich. These are the ones who looted homes, taking everything from valuables to toilets. There are recordings where their wives give «helpful advice» - suggesting they look for money in bedding or the freezer. This is also a specific type of person: in these cases too, the wives and their husbands are the same.
- The war that the Putin regime unleashed against Ukraine would have been psychologically and physically impossible without Ukrainians being entirely dehumanised in the Russian collective consciousness, - comments social psychologist Svitlana Chunikhina for Sestry. - Before setting the goals of «denazification» and «demilitarisation» of Ukraine, Russian propaganda carried out extensive work to dehumanise its citizens.
We observe that this dehumanisation is even more characteristic of Russia’s civilian population (such as the mothers) than of combatants, who see the situation up close and can understand that on the other side of the front line are people, not mythical Nazis.
Commenting on the behaviour of the mothers of Russian soldiers, many of whom are indifferent even to the fate of their own sons, Svitlana Chunikhina says:
- Among the values of Russians, the value of human life is not, to put it mildly, a priority. Historically, they have been shaped to consider the honour of the state as superior to any human need. The powerful influence of propaganda over the past ten years has led to politics being widely perceived by Russians as a supreme value. Even natural maternal feelings are completely distorted through this warped perspective.
Another reason for the mothers’ unnatural indifference could be the terror that Russians feel towards their own regime. This terror is so intense that it becomes unbearable. Thus, by repressing these intolerable feelings into the unconscious, the women exhibit extreme indifference towards their own children.
Russian society is undoubtedly afflicted and infected by propaganda. Most Russians possess an imperial consciousness and view neighbouring peoples as less significant, less valuable, and obligated to submit. However, without the powerful influence of propaganda and the grotesque transformation of the Putin regime into outright dictatorship, Russian society would likely not have approved, let alone initiated, this war.
«And how do the locals treat you?» - asks the wife of a Russian military commander over the phone. «The locals are starting to get angry... - he replies. - All the agriculture, all the industry is at a standstill. A mother was walking with two children... And so what, our guys shot her in front of the children. Killed her». «Well, she is an enemy too!» - the woman approves of what she hears
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