
Activism with real consequences: how a Ukrainian woman fights Russian propaganda in Portugal

The dismissal of a pro-Russian professor, Ukrainian concerts and loud protests - Olga Filipova proves: you can draw attention to Ukraine even from a Portugal province

Anastasiya Hnatiuk

Olga Filipova at a rally in Coimbra. Photo: private archive

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Is there a point in pro-Ukrainian protests in a provincial town? Olga Filipova doubted: is it at all worth it to initiate any public activity outside of Portugal’s capital? Today each Ukrainian protest in Coimbra is a noticeable and significant event. And it is thanks to the small-town activists that Russian propagandists in Portugal are talked about in the first columns of the national media.

«I have always felt the need to act»

Olga came to Portugal in 2001. At that time, the country was in dire need of labour force, and tens of thousands of Ukrainians headed south to Europe to build houses and roads. Among them was Olga's partner at the time. Once, while visiting him on vacation, she decided not to return.

She studied at a local university, worked, raised her daughter and did not engage in particularly active pursuits. Everything changed during the Revolution of Dignity. Without any skills or experience in public work, Olga organised the first protests intuitively because she felt it was impossible to remain silent:

- I started doing something in 2013. When Maidan began, we set out to organise similar «Maidans» in Coimbra. But I had no experience in doing it at all back then. That is why we just picketed ourselves, 5-6 friends. We also went on a protest when the Russians occupied Crimea. That time I did it somewhat more organised. Even the media came to write and record stories about us. But anyway, there were 20 of us at most.

For some time, Olga lived in Berlin and fought for the closure of the «Russian House of Science and Culture» (Russisches Haus der Wissenschaft und Kultur) - also purely intuitively - together with friends in her free time. It was Olga who initiated the push in the prolonged struggle against this propaganda centre, which was later taken up by larger organisations. Today, the issue of its closure is being discussed in the Bundestag, and at the beginning of last year, the institution was investigated by the German prosecutor's office.

Olga Filipova with her friends during a protest next to the «Russian House of Science and Culture» in Berlin

After the full-scale invasion began, Olga returned to Coimbra. She missed the large-scale rallies like those she attended in Berlin. However, she did not see the lack of such rallies in Coimbra as a reason for disappointment, but rather as motivation to organise them herself:

- I started by realising that it was important to understand our target audience. These were the Portuguese people to whom we wanted to convey something. It was important for me to understand where they stand in terms of understanding this war, what they expect, and generally what they need. So the first event we organised was Free Hugs from Ukraine. I just called my friends, and we stood in the middle of Coimbra's tourist street with a sign that said «Free Hugs from Ukraine». People came up to us and hugged us. And I asked them what they thought, how they thought the war would end, how they saw Ukraine's victory, why it was important to them, or the opposite, what they knew, what they didn't know.

The loud voice of the minority

- Coimbra is a city of students. It has a high concentration of educational institutions and various youth organisations. In this town, conveniently located between Lisbon and Porto, there are slightly fewer than 150 thousand people. According to official data, there are about 600 Ukrainians among them. The key to how such a small community manages to keep attention on itself for over two years lies in consistency and integration into the local context.

Olga says that the consistency of the actions not only reminds the Portuguese about the war. The persistence with which Ukrainians take to the streets also demonstrates that this people do not intend to give up:

- The most important thing is to show the Portuguese that we are not tired, that we are confident in Ukraine's victory. Because as soon as we disappear from their sight, they think: «Listen, well, maybe they are tired, maybe they would not mind if Russia occupied them because that would be better than losing their lives». I see that there are already many people who think in a way like: «I would give up my house to stay alive».

They can not possibly understand that being occupied by the Russians - is tantamount to being raped, losing your whole identity, everything you had. That is why we have to come out and show that we do not want that

The second component of the effectiveness of Coimbra's events is understanding what information the Portuguese are willing and not willing to accept and from which angle it is easiest to reach them. Although Olga lived in Portugal for a long time, it took a lot of time and effort to come to this understanding.

Dozens of people always gather at events in Coimbra

The activist realised that most Portuguese people genuinely believe that Russians are victims of Putin's regime. She also noticed that Portuguese citizens greatly value culture. On the one hand, this makes it difficult to explain to an average Coimbra resident why attending a Russian ballet performance means supporting the war against Ukraine. On the other hand, this is also a topic that can be used to reach people:

- I took it upon myself to convey this idea and organise Ukrainian cultural events. So that it does not look like a bunch of Ukrainians are here wanting to remove culture, but on the contrary, we want to bring culture. That is, we show that it's not about cultural cancelling, it's about the fact that there are things that are not timely. And if you want culture, we can show you beautiful, good, kind culture. For example, Yulia Holub, a folk-jazz singer from Lisbon, and I organised a concert last year. It was a cultural program - and the Portuguese, who love culture, came to watch. But after each song, she told a little story about the war.

It was very important, we reached their minds with songs. For them, it was not like someone wanted to persuade them into believing something against their will
«Soft power» of culture - is one of the best methods of communication with a foreign audience, Olga believes

Moreover, Olga spends a lot of time searching for fresh verified information, facts, and studies which are necessary for communicating with foreigners. The Portuguese, to whom our war is foreign, are mostly not ready to take things at face value and may attribute the radicalism of their interlocutor's statements to emotionality due to their experience. She had to learn to acknowledge the existence of good Russians and the occasional value of Russian culture in her dialogue with the Portuguese:

- Here, you have to be very careful not to appear discriminatory. You can say: «Yes, you know, there really are good Russians» (laughs). But we need to avoid saying that we know that good Russians are not visible in thermal imaging. To ordinary people, you need to say: «Yes, there are, but you know, here are the statistics - 77 per cent of Russians support the war». About culture, I learned to say: «Yes, of course, there are some cultural stories. Yes, we can not cancel it. But some things are not timely. Think about whether it would be okay if, during the Nazi occupation, we started promoting German ballets on the stages of Europe under attack. Well, probably not. But after some time, after the war, after denazification, after all this, it would be okay». And then they understand.

Ciao, professor

One of Olga’s most significant achievements - the dismissal of a Russian propagandist from the University of Coimbra.

Since 2012, Professor Vladimir Pliasov has collaborated with the «Russkiy Mir» Foundation (translated from Russian as «Russian World»). A Ukrainian, Vyacheslav Medvedev, who studies at this university, noticed after the start of the full-scale invasion that the flags of the Russian organisation still hung on the university premises. Moreover, they were placed directly opposite the blue and yellow flags and posters in solidarity with Ukraine. After contacting the rector's office, the enemy’s colours were eventually removed, but it turned out to be just the beginning. Sometime later, a stand with the inscription «the greatest Russian writers» appeared on the faculty wall, suggesting works for students to read. Among the collective Tolstoyevsky and the usurped Gogol, there were also Eduard Limonov and Zakhar Prilepin.

Eduard Limonov was a Russian politician with Ukrainian roots who denied Ukraine’s sovereignty and the distinctiveness of the Ukrainian people. Zakhar Prilepin is a Russian propagandist who fought against Ukraine from 2016 to 2018 as part of the «DNR» terrorist organisation and later boasted in interviews with Russian journalists that his unit «killed large numbers of people».

Pro-Russian professor promoted propaganda narratives among students for years

Together with Vyacheslav, a student at the University of Coimbra, the activist wrote a comprehensive article containing a series of arguments unequivocally proving that the pro-Russian professor was engaged in propaganda activities. Although the mere mention of Prilepin would have been enough to cause an uproar, Olga and Vyacheslav had to prove that this was neither an error nor a coincidence:

- We presented various facts. We showed that he distributed St. George ribbons. There are video materials where, in an interview, he responds about the annexed Crimea: «You do not understand the historical context and what’s there... Who are Ukrainians anyway?» There were plenty of his articles on the site where he explicitly wrote that the Ukrainian language is a dialect.

Olga's revealing article was published in a small publication, after which the well-known historian and journalist in Portugal, José Milhazes, took notice of the story, followed by the national media.

The professor was quickly fired and it caused a huge uproar in the Russian community in Portugal

The Russian diaspora, whose activity usually limits itself to comments on Facebook, even managed to organise a petition to reinstate the professor. But this did not help.

«We have to act, show and tell wherever we are»

Olga is convinced: whether in the capital, a small town, or even a village, there is always something for Ukrainian activists to do. Although she initially doubted whether it made sense to unfold activities in Coimbra:

- I had this question regarding Coimbra. Say, why do anything in a small town if the parliament is in Lisbon, and all the embassies are in the Portuguese capital? Then I realised that sometimes such events in small towns have a bigger impact. Last year, on the anniversary of the full-scale invasion, we had a small event - about 300 people. But for Coimbra, it looked like a massive event. And it was widely covered in the media.

That is why I believe that if your heart and soul desire to do something, you should do it regardless of where you are
About 300 Ukrainians attended the protest on the first anniversary of the full-scale invasion

Moreover, it should be remembered that voters, who will determine whether a pro-Russian populist comes to power, do not only live in the capital. Their public demand will also influence the government's course. So even if there is an opportunity to tell at least ten people about Ukraine - it is worth it.

Olga has three simple pieces of advice for those who aspire to lead a Ukrainian movement in their city or village but can not bring themselves to do it:

1. Do not be embarrassed to turn to more experienced colleagues for help (her included);

2. Properly investigate the habits and moods of the target audience. If you already have local friends - you should ask them for advice on what works best in their country for various goals.

3. Research the laws on conducting public events, fundraising, and other activities and abide thoroughly.

And if you do not have the desire or opportunity to fully dedicate yourself to activism, you can simply continue telling everyone you know in the new country about Ukraine. However, it is important not just to share any news, but to choose verified information and ensure that the way we speak about Ukraine publicly creates a positive image of the country. Any communication with the local population abroad should pass a control question: «Will this person, having learned new information, want to support Ukraine on its path to victory?».

- Every Ukrainian has this mission to convey something. We can not turn into Russians and say that we are small people and that we can not do anything. We must convey that Europe needs Ukraine, possibly even more than Ukraine needs Europe. But this has to be explained with facts. Because sometimes people do not think about what they are saying.

Olga Filipova: «When you want to partake in public activity, you should combine the experience of other activists and what your heart lies in». Photo: private archive

Protests, concerts, marches, solo pickets, or flash mobs - all forms of attracting the global community’s attention are critically necessary for Ukraine, as with each passing day the level of attention from Western media to Ukraine decreases. According to a study by the NGO Brand Ukraine, in 2023, the number of articles about Ukraine in foreign online publications alone was 20 per cent less than the previous year. Regular public opinion research by Eurobarometer consistently records a decline in support for Ukraine among EU citizens each quarter. For example, the latest report notes that six per cent fewer people are willing to see Ukrainian refugees in their country compared to the summer of 2022, and eight per cent fewer people currently agree with providing military support.

All photos in the article are from the heroine's private archive

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Journalist and digital producer. She began her journalism career at the Alex TV channel in her hometown of Zaporizhia and later worked as a journalist and editor on national TV channels (TVi, 1+1, Espresso). She led the multimedia team of the Crimea.Realities project and is currently the social media coordinator for the volunteer media community Ukraїner and the head of its Portuguese version.

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Photographer Evgeniy Maloletka interview

After photographer Evgeniy Maloletka, videographer Mstyslav Chernov and fixer Vasylysa Stepanenko managed to escape the Russian-encircled Mariupol in mid-March 2022, their footage from the first 20 days of the occupation caused a massive global reaction.

Today, Evgeniy Maloletka holds more international and national awards than any other Ukrainian photographer - around 40. Notably, he is a Pulitzer Prize laureate for Public Service, a recipient of the James Foley Award for Conflict Reporting, and the Shevchenko and Georgiy Gongadze national prizes. He also won an Oscar for the documentary «20 Days in Mariupol». We spoke with Evgeniy about the feelings of futility when facing human indifference, the people who helped him escape from occupation, his ambitions to make it into history books and the strategies he uses to avoid burnout.

Evgeniy Maloletka. Photo from a private archive

«Camera does not protect you»

Kseniya Minchuk: How did you start photographing the war?

Evgeniy Maloletka: Although I have a degree in electronic devices and systems engineering, photography captivated me during my student years. I worked for several editorial offices. In 2010, I went to cover the protests in Belarus. After that, I documented both sides of our revolution: the protests for and against Yanukovych, and then Maidan. I worked in conflict zones around the world, including various UN missions in Africa. Eventually, I found myself on the train that brought me to the war.

I am originally from Berdyansk. When I looked at the map and saw Russia intensifying its actions, I realised that a full-scale war was inevitable. And when you understand that something terrible, like war, is about to happen, you ask yourself: «Where do I want to be, and what do I want to do? Where do I need to be to make that happen?» Although when that «terrible» thing arrives, plans can break. But at the very least, you should be technically prepared, which is what I did.

From there, the most important thing is your knowledge and your ability to adapt quickly. The more you know and the faster you react, the more you can accomplish.

- One of the most heart-wrenching photos by Evgeniy Maloletka, and of the war in general, is the series from Mariupol where young parents rush to the hospital with their injured baby, only to learn that the child has died. It is unimaginably devastating. How do you cope with the pain you witness and capture with your camera? Is photography itself a method?

- Definitely not. The camera does not protect you. You keep looking at these people in the photos and you go through it with them. The faces of the parents, and later the doctors - you see the hope fade from their eyes... and that pain never leaves you, it stays with you forever. I live with it. Constantly. I had to learn how to coexist with it.

Photo: Evgeniy Maloletka/AP Photo

The footage from «20 Days in Mariupol» - is the pain that will stay with me for the rest of my life. I saw it live. I have rewatched the film many times, and now I do not cry anymore. But inside, the emotions are still incredibly heavy and intense.

For me, every photo of the war is the most terrifying. They are like flashbacks, like a dream. Like something that happened to someone else. But no - it happened to me.

I am constantly confronted with grief. I have to edit, show it to the world, look at the photos of other photographers. Human bodies, destroyed buildings, lives taken. These emotions are overwhelming. And there is still so much more horror I will have to capture.

Sometimes the things you did not capture are more terrifying

What keeps me going is the awareness that I am doing a small, yet important job. Hoping that it is not in vain. That the world will see it, remember it, because every photograph represents a human story. And it is crucial that we ourselves do not forget our own history. That is why I keep doing it.

Ukrainian soldiers crying next to their comrade’s grave, 2023. Photo: Evgeniy Maloletka/Associated Press/East News

- You have documented the protests against Yanukovych that led to his removal, the pandemic and now the war. Do you see your work as an important mission?

- Sometimes it is disappointing when photos get little attention. But other times, a story I captured goes viral. The more you work and the more your photos are seen and elicit a reaction, the stronger the sense that it is not in vain.

At least, I hope it is not.

I understand that only the things we remember will remain in history

We will remember people’s stories through the photos and videos that moved us. Only a small part of what has happened during this war will make it into history.

I hope the work we are doing will end up in books and textbooks so future generations can learn what our people went through and understand what war really is.

February 19th 2014, Maidan in Kyiv. Photo: Evgeniy Maloletka

- Do you feel any satisfaction from what you do?

- That is a tough question. Yes and no. Because I photograph horrifying things that people do not want to see. And you force them to look. People, especially outside Ukraine, in Europe for example, mostly want to see positive things. Even here, we tend to think like that. If the strike hit the house next door and not ours - thank God! But in that neighbouring house, people died...

- Have there been moments when you could not bring yourself to photograph what was happening?

- Of course. There were times when I put the camera down and helped because no one else was around. If you see that you can help in some way, you do it.

«We went through 16 Russian checkpoints, and they let us through each one»

- You arrived in Mariupol an hour before the war started. Did you understand what you were getting into?

- Yes. It is impossible to predict every detail, but Mstyslav Chernov, Vasylysa Stepanenko and I knew that the city would likely be encircled. We went to Mariupol deliberately, to be surrounded. Consciously.

Of course, it was terrifying. We travelled at night, and it was eerily quiet and tense. We prepared for various scenarios and even joked that we were heading to the city that would become one of the starting points of World War III...

- How often were you under fire in Mariupol?

- Constantly. I would wake up in the morning at the hotel and go outside to film the building across the street because it had just been destroyed. There was no need to travel anywhere.

- You worked without electricity, water, the internet, and under constant danger. What decisions saved your lives?

- We were lucky in many ways, but some specific decisions and people truly saved our lives. There were tough moments when we barely escaped from areas that the occupiers had already surrounded.

For a while, we lived in a hospital that sheltered us. We became friends with the doctors, sleeping in the corridors where everyone had moved to avoid the shelling, and when necessary, we helped carry stretchers with the wounded. Then the building next to us was taken by the Russians. Tanks rolled out onto the streets. Their forces advanced, and aircraft were deployed. Street fighting raged around the hospital, and we were inside. Then our military came for us and said, «Pack up, we are running». And we ran with them. That saved us.

With Mstyslav Chernov and medics from the Mariupol hospital. Photo: private archive

Another instance was when we finally got out of the encircled area, but I lost my car - it was destroyed. A police officer named Volodymyr offered to drive us out of Mariupol. He risked his life and the lives of his family to take us in his car, even though we had met just two days earlier.

His car was shot up, the windows were gone, but it was still drivable. He, his wife, and their child took the three of us (myself, Vasylysa, and Mstyslav) into their vehicle. And that is how we got out.

- Vasylysa told me this story, and I still can not grasp how you managed to pull it off…

- We passed through 15 or 16 Russian checkpoints, and at each one, they let us through. The occupiers had only just begun implementing their filtration process. Perhaps it helped that we did not take the same route as others. The truth is, you never know exactly what saved you. But if the Russians had found the footage we shot or realised we were Ukrainian journalists, we all would have suffered - us, and Volodymyr with his family.

One warrior does not make a battle

- There is a concept known as «survivor’s guilt», a feeling often experienced by those who fled the war and went abroad. Did you feel something similar when you escaped Mariupol?

- We thought about why we could not stay longer, especially because we did not capture the events at the drama theatre, where so many people died... But the fact that we survived at all - that is a miracle.

Kherson resident in her house flooded after the Kakhovka dam explosion on June 6th 2023. Photo: Evgeniy Maloletka/Associated Press/East News

- Vasylysa mentioned her fear of going to Mariupol, and that your and Mstyslav’s confidence inspired her. Is it easier to work in a team or alone?

- There is a saying, «One warrior does not make a battle». I am convinced of that. In difficult circumstances, you need to be with people you trust, who are on the same wavelength as you.

If, God forbid, you get injured, you need to have your people by your side, who know what to do. Mstyslav had significant experience working in war zones, and I had some experience in our own war.

In the summer of 2021, I took a course in first aid. I already knew how to apply tourniquets and do other essential things, but refreshing those skills is critical when you live in a country at war. Life taught me how to act during shellings.

Vasylysa and I started working together about a month before the full-scale invasion. Before Mariupol, we actually tried to talk her out of going. But she made her choice because she wanted to be with us. She took the risk. She is brave.

- Who inspires you?

- Mstyslav, Vasylysa and I inspire each other. But above all, I am inspired by our people.

Ukrainians are incredibly strong. They have suffered so much from the war, but they do not give up. I often see soldiers who have been wounded but have not lost their immense life potential and energy. For example, there is a soldier who underwent about 60 surgeries and had both limbs amputated. He says: «It’s nothing. I have my whole life ahead of me». He is undergoing rehabilitation and can now walk up the stairs by himself. His goal is to «get his two kids on their feet». How can you not be inspired by that?

Ukrainian man taking out the remaining glass in a window with his bare hands after a Russian shelling, Shakhtarsk, 2014. Photo: Evgeniy Maloletka/AP/East News

My grandmother worked until she was 82, until her last day. She was an engineer and had been disabled since childhood due to polio. Despite having a severe disability, she went to work every day. It was hard for her to climb to the third floor, but she did it. She always said that you can not just sit or lie down, that you have to keep moving. After the full-scale invasion began, my parents had to leave their home and became internally displaced. But my father did not fall into depression or anything like that. Even at over 60, he continues to work.

I do not want to sound pretentious, but what is the point of life if you are only doing everything for yourself? I realise that in war, it is those who care who show up. And I never want to stop caring

For me, it is important not to stand aside. To take part in something that matters.

It is also crucial not to burn out. We are in the middle of a long marathon, and we need to maintain the pace to make it to the end - without losing strength or the sense of why we are doing it.

- But how? What helps you with that?

- It is a difficult period right now. I try not only to photograph but also to help my colleagues, especially young talented photographers, develop. That inspires me too.

Evgeniy at the World Press Photo 2023 Awards in Amsterdam, standing in front of his photograph of the Mariupol maternity hospital bombing. Photo: private archive

- Are there any photographs that make you feel joyful and happy?

- Of course. I love taking pictures of my son. Watching him grow, mature and just seeing how cool he is.

- What can each of us do to help achieve victory?

- We should all do what we do best. Every day. How else? Some people fight, some make drones, others protest abroad, and we do journalism. It all matters. Every action. Every person.


Evgeniy Maloletka: «We came to Mariupol on purpose, to get surrounded»

Kseniya Minchuk
Military Tetyana Bondarenko

Tetyana Bondarenko is an actress. Before the full-scale invasion, she played at the Kyiv theatre on Mykhailivska St., acted in episodical roles in movies, translated English content for Ukrainian TV channels, worked as a lab assistant in the scientific research laboratory at the Borys Grinchenko University. On February 24 2022, her life, like the lives of millions of Ukrainians, changed completely. During that time, when many were already leaving Kyiv, Tetyana came into the recruiting office with a strong intention of joining the Territorial Defence. She has been fighting since Autumn 2022. At first as a shooter in the infantry, now - as a drone operator. Tetyana with the codename «Bond» told Sestry about her life at war, her motivation and battling sexism on the frontlines.

Photo: Kateryna Kozinska

Making the recruitment office listen

- The plan to join the Armed Forces of Ukraine actually formed even before the full-scale war, - Tetyana says. - In 2014, when the fighting in Donbas broke out, I came to the «Kozatsky» hotel on Khreshchatyk St., where volunteers were being recruited, and said that I wanted to join one of the battalions. The recruiter looked at me with apparent scepticism: «And who are you? A medic? Cook?» «An actress» - I replied.

I think he threw away my application the moment I left the hotel. Since that day, I was often haunted by thoughts that I was doing nothing while someone else was protecting the country. And at the beginning of 2022, I had no doubt about the imminence of a full-scale invasion and decided to apply to the Territorial Defence in January. I considered it to be a good way to, firstly, prepare myself for the war, and secondly, learn to handle weapons, which would be useful in my career as an actress (I have always wanted to play strong and belligerent women).

The full-scale war began when I already collected all the necessary documents for the Territorial Defence - the only thing left was for me to write a short autobiography. Having heard the first explosions outside my window, I began writing it at once - and at 9 AM I was on the spot with all the required papers.

Women do not belong here

- People often ask me when I was really scared during the war. And so I think that it would be the moment I was first given a weapon, having no idea how to use it. I was horrified of doing something wrong… Our first target practice took place on March 8th. It is an important date for me as a feminist - a day of women’s struggle for their rights. Being at a training ground that day with a weapon in hand, I felt that I was doing what I had to.

- When in particular did you end up on the frontlines?

- This did not happen immediately. At first, I was stationed at a checkpoint near Kyiv. We spent the whole Spring learning combat tactics, explosives and more. Before long we went to the combat zone but stayed in reserve for a while, 3-4 kilometres away from the battles. Our company was sent to the frontlines specifically at the end of October 2022. Then a situation happened that became a great disappointment to me.

There were only two women in my company: me and a combat medic. And we were the only ones to not be sent «to die» until the last minute. The commander of the unit we were in proclaimed stubbornly: «We do not take women to the frontlines!». While half of the men in our company were laid off at the trench digging stage in reserve: there were many people 40+ years of age in the Territorial Defence, and some strained their backs, for some problems with the joints or blood pressure «appeared». As a result, only 35 people went to the line which was supposed to be «held» by 70 people. The female medic and I, who were prepared and motivated, were not engaged because of the fact that we were women.

Our unit’s leader tried to convince the commander of the air assault company that I and my comrade could fight but he said: «Alright, you can take them with you. But if they are going to start crying the next day, you are going to be at fault»

But they did not take us anyway. When wrote a report to the commander, he sent my comrade to a field hospital and me to a different company, whose positions were easier. He said I have to stay there for a while at first, and then if I manage it, I could come back to my company. Unfortunately, my company did not stick around for me to come - the enemy literally destroyed it, only three people were unharmed. The rest - all «WIA» and two «KIA». Then, I told my mother that it would not be an enemy’s bullet that would kill me in this war but instead sexism that becomes absurd, and stupidity shown by my own people.

By gender

- What do you think is the reason for sexism?

- This is, unfortunately, our culture. 90 per cent of people in the army are yesterday’s civilians. This is a kind of section, a mirror of society, in which 70 per cent of men single-mindedly refuse to see an equal in a female. They think in stereotypes indoctrinated since their childhood, like: «The man is a defender, the woman is a caretaker». I think if they admit that women are strong, smart and can perform the same tasks as them, their worldview would crumble. If women are decent soldiers, it turns out that men are not exclusive in their heroism.

- What methods are effective in fighting sexism?

- I often see how some girls try to be kind and gentle in hopes that it would help establish good relationships with their comrades. Thinking that if they act like a girl, they would soon start acting like gentlemen. I have not seen this strategy work even once.

Personally, I have a strong reaction towards any signs of sexism. I am not afraid of being hated. At least I will be heard. And by the way, I am on good terms with most of my comrades. Thankfully, there are some reasonable people.

Sexism presents itself in many forms, most of the time in offensive comments or jokes toward women. And, in my opinion, men often underestimate women’s role in civil life during the war, when it is the women especially on whom the responsibility to care for the children and the elderly lies - and there are no medals, awards or prizes for this.

I even conducted a survey among my comrades - what would they choose: staying home alone with children like their wives or going to war. The overwhelming majority chose the second option.

One time, the wife of one of my comrades thanked me - she said that after speaking with me, her husband became more considerate of her «invisible» home duty

As for fighting sexism coming from the management, you can, for example, report it, which is what I do. But this might not always be effective, as orders like «We do not take women to the frontlines» are not documented on paper. They are given in verbally, and proving that the reason for you not being accepted somewhere was particularly sexism is difficult.

I am not an infantry soldier anymore, I am a drone operator - there is much less sexism in this area. Here I am allowed to participate in any operations with no questions, but I do know a girl, for instance, who was not allowed to take part in combat missions just this Winter. A lot depends on which management you will end up under. Which is truly absurd, since the army has a catastrophic lack of people.

But commanders continue dividing people by gender. For me, it is the same as segregating people by, for example, eye colour: «We do not send blue-eyed people to the frontlines because they are tender». I can not think of a single war task that a woman could not handle.

A machine gun is a quite heavy weapon but we all know successful female machine gunners. My comrade, a combat medic, received her call sign «The Ant» for carrying the injured twice her size out of the battlefield. The difference between a man and a woman is only that a woman does not have the right to make a mistake. If a man makes a mistake - it is normal, happens to everyone. But when a woman does it, she will immediately hear that her place is not in the war.

What women want

- The girls on the frontlines point out issues with female military uniform…

- In my battalion female uniform is unheard of. My physique is more or less boy-like, with small breasts, which allows me to wear a male uniform, tunics and T-shirts. There was a girl with a curvy shape in our unit, to whom the men’s body armour became a real problem. And even then, she was told she just did not know how to wear it.

The reality is that girls are forced to buy female uniforms themselves. The underwear provided is also only men’s. AFU’s pants are not suited for women’s thighs, they are uncomfortable in combat. That is why I bought a «British» uniform back in 2022 - the pants are much wider there, and I also purchased a women’s plate carrier and plates myself.

- Women’s everyday life is also connected with other difficulties - for example, painful periods. How do you manage this problem?

- In this matter, I got lucky once again because everything goes on relatively painless. I know girls who experience this much harder but they perform their duties and do not complain. And personal hygiene items can be changed even in blindages and on the frontline - it is enough to ask your male comrades to turn away. When the situation is that people can not leave the trenches for multiple days, they are even forced to relieve themselves into jars or bags, and this concerns both men and women.

It is not the time to die

- You literally burst into the fight, to the frontline. Are you not afraid?

- Obviously, there is a fear. I strive for combat but it does not mean I will be running under enemy fire and putting myself in danger on purpose. Last year, I was on the very combat line, when the enemy was 200 metres away from us and bullets really were flying over my head day and night. You sit in a blindage, look deep into the darkness and realise that an enemy grenade could land before you even see the enemy. In these moments you act on adrenaline - and this adrenaline does not let go of you for some more time after arriving at a relatively safe place.

You are exhausted and exhilarated at the same time because you realise: you went through hell and lived. There are moments when it really is a miracle you survived. I recall a situation when the enemy was shelling us with artillery, and our observation posts were in a ravine on the slope of one of the hills. We were hiding there in dugouts, dug by the Russians (it was impossible to dig new ones due to the constant presence of enemy drones).

At that time, I had a small individual dugout. The likelihood of a direct hit on our dugouts was low - it was quite difficult to hit them. And then I had a conflict with the company commander, and he sent me «into exile» to a control observation post (COP) - a place between the frontline and the permanent deployment point. Another soldier replaced me at my position. So, I was sitting at the COP and heard on the radio that a tank was shelling our positions. The next message was that there was one «KIA». It turned out that a hit landed near my dugout, a fragment pierced the roof, and the comrade who was in my dugout died on the spot...

- What helps you cope?

- Talking to my mom and friends. It is important to have people you can share your feelings with. Cigars also help to relieve acute stress. Not cigarettes, but cigars specifically; I learned to smoke cigars while in the Territorial Defense. This year, I sought help from a psychologist and I already feel a positive effect. Motivation also helps me to hold on.

- How can you outline it?

- When the full-scale invasion happened, I felt like I had been slapped. My country, my Kyiv, was hit so brazenly and deceitfully. I wanted to retaliate once and for all against the one who dared to do this. That is exactly what I am doing now.

Despite all the difficulties I face, I will defend this country because it is mine. While at war, I discovered Ukraine’s East for myself - unbelievably beautiful and now dear places to me.

As a feminist, I am used to standing up for my boundaries, defending my rights. The same is true here - I am defending my right to be myself in my country, defending its and my own independence.

And even if something were to happen to me, I would be peaceful, as I was fighting for a noble cause.

Photos from the heroine’s private archive


Tetyana «Bond»: «I told my mother that in this war I would not be killed by a bullet but by sexism»

Kateryna Kopanieva

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